Early Childhood Development

SojoAction: Early Childhood Development


Optimal development is every child’s right! Black and brown children’s potential is often and disproportionately sabotaged by systemic racism, harmful policies, discrimination, and violence. Sojourners is embarking on an exciting opportunity to build early-childhood development champions by partnering with churches and lay leaders to protect and promote the health of children and primary caregivers in key stages of life.

Ours is a two-generation approach focused on parents and very young children to ensure optimal development in the first 1,000 days of a child’s life and through all subsequent stages of their life cycle. Our strategy includes a participatory action research project where we will be working with local congregations on unearthing theological frameworks, practical needs that support children in their community, and ways that faith-based advocacy organizations like Sojourners could play a role in lifting up their early childhood development priorities.

Early Childhood Development

Our Work

A woman and two children stand in a crowd, wearing white t-shirts that say "You Raise I Rise"
The Flourishing Futures campaign is an invitation to collectively care for children in the earliest stages of their lives by mobilizing people of faith into action.
Join us in reminding your senators that they have a sacred responsibility and duty to protect the best interest and future of our children. Let's enhance the Child Tax Credit today!
This resource is a collection of tips, articles, books, prayers, and scripture to begin the journey of processing global events, conflict, and crisis with children in your life in developmentally appropriate ways.
Join us for the first in a series of webinars addressing early childhood development and faith from a social justice lens, for and with clergy and faith leaders united for the collective flourishing of young children!
¡Sus respuestas nos ayudarán a entender las prácticas de la iglesia en relación a la niñez de cero a tres y a incidir para asegurar un futuro floreciendo y feliz para ellos!
Join SojoAction and the National Women's Law Center for a webinar on the "Child Care Cliff". Learn more about how 3.2 million children and families could lose access to child care and how we can urge our lawmakers to take action now!
Sign this action alert to tell congress to approve critical emergency funding for child care and WIC!
Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act will give better access to health clinics and protect mothers and babies.
Black Maternal Health webinar graphic with orange, cream and blue swirls
Watch this webinar to learn more about Black Maternal Health!
Early Childhood Development
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