This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: February 2016

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What if white Christians acted more Christian than white? That's the question Sojourners' president Jim Wallis is asking in his new book America's Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America. In our cover story, read an excerpt and explore why "we can no longer be afraid of the truth about race in this country- past, present, and future." 

Cover Story

Bill Frakes / Associated Press
A new generation, of all races, is leading the way to a future where our growing diversity is experienced as a great benefit, not a threat. 


Andrew Wilkes
An interview with Andrew Wilkes on Christianity and socialism. 
LeksusTuss / Shutterstock
To be prophetic preachers, we must understand the blues. 
Shane Claiborne
Ten years after the release of his best-selling book, Irresistible Revolution, Shane Claiborne talks with Jim Wallis about nonconformity, ending the death penalty, and cutting his hair. 
Crush Rush /
Is socialism, like the communism of old, fundamentally inconsistent with Christian faith?


Greg Henry / Shutterstock
The mayor of Allentown, Pa., opens town doors- but not without pushback. 
Jeff A. Moore / Shutterstock
From churches to the FDIC, there's a new financial environment where responsible lending can flourish.
izzet ugutmen / Shutterstock
Tracking immigration reform in the U.S. courts and its impact on families.

Culture Watch

Kendrick Lamar
Hip-hop, spoken word, and the voice of prophetic ethics. 
The Study Quran
From The Study Quran: A New Translation and Commentary by Seyyed Hossein Nasr, editor-in-chief. Published by HarperOne (2015). 
stocksolution / Shutterstock
Courage was sometimes in short supply among the mainstream media. 
My Little Book of Big Freedoms
Four February culture recommendations from our editors.
Shaun the Sheep
Here are my picks for the best films of 2015.
Rob Schenck
The Armor of Light, directed by Abigail E. Disney. Fork Films. 
Felicity by Mary Oliver
Felicity: Poems, by Mary Oliver. Penguin Press.


Everett Historical / Shutterstock
Letters to the Editor from Sojourners readers
Ray Bond / Shutterstock
Reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle C. 


sakhorn / Shutterstock
The damage Exxon has done will keep on accelerating for centuries to come. 
Supertrooper / Shutterstock
It's winter. So snuggle up, and tune out. 
Paranamir / Shutterstock
I came home from the hospital feeling deep appreciation for all the blessings in my life.
jadimages / Shutterstock
But now is the time to dream and plan and begin to build the world we want.