Racial Justice

SojoAction: Racial Justice

Racism is sin. From our beginning, a commitment to advancing racial justice and reconciliation has been at the heart of Sojourners' mission, ministry, and work. The legacy of slavery, segregation, racial violence, and of the dehumanization of African Americans in this country continues to manifest itself today. People of color are constantly at risk due to enduring systems of oppression, including due to abuses of power by law enforcement that reinforce a broken criminal justice system. Sojourners is calling on the church and the nation to repent from combat the evils of racism, white nationalism, and white supremacy, which are an assault on the image of God.

We are building upon and expanding the work of the Make the Covenant movement, which was organized in response to the alarmingly high and senseless murders of African Americans across the country at the hands of law enforcement. Sojourners is working to convene and equip clergy and civic leaders to take a stand against police violence and the brutal dehumanization that has resulted in the deaths of far too many African American and Latinx women and men in this country. We are committed to engaging and mobilizing people of faith to become agents of change as we continue the unfinished work of the civil rights movement.

Racial Justice

Our Work

During our Voting for the Generations campaign, we engaged in this prophetic and communal art piece drawing from the Sankofa approach and biblical text of Revelation 21. We invite you to download and print our symbolic and communal art piece as a token of remembrance during our time together during this campaign!
In partnership with Faiths United to Save Democracy, we invite interfaith and multicultural faith leaders – lay and clergy – to join us as we seek to protect vulnerable voters. Defend democracy and begin the journey to become a poll chaplain for the upcoming election!
Multi-racial, multi-faith, and multi-generational voter toolkit. 2024 election and beyond.
In this webinar, we heard from Rev. Moya Harris, our Director of Racial Justice, and Rev. William H. Lamar IV as they discussed supporting mothers and children through a womanist theological lens.
EMANUEL is an inspiring testament to the power of faith in the face of one of this nation’s worst tragedies. The film highlights the urgent need for deeper racial healing and it makes clear the ever-present and costly demands of justice. This study guide provides tools and resources to help leaders facilitate a discussion about EMANUEL. Use this guide to foster dialogue around the core themes of the film.
HR 40/S40 establishes the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans to examine slavery and discrimination in the colonies and the United States from 1619 to the present and recommend appropriate remedies.
Racial Justice
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